Modern Master Permacoat Xtreme # AM204
Modern Masters – Metal Effects PermacoatXtreme™ is an all-in-one water-base,100% acrylic,clear, non-yellowing protective sealer and top coatdesigned to work over Metal Effects Rust Activated IronPaint. This innovative clear coat chemically arrests theoxidized metal finish, minimizing any further corrosion,and then self-crosslinks to create a weather resistantbarrier. Permacoat Xtreme is highly recommended toseal the Metal Effects Rust finish on interior areaswhere there may be contact to prevent rub-off andexterior applications to prevent runoff of the finish ontosurrounding surfaces. Unlike other acrylic varnishes,Permacoat Xtreme will form a film over the oxidizedsurfaces without cracking or yellowing. Permacoat is pHbalanced to minimize the rust colors tendency todeepen in color tone when using other nonrecommended clear coats.